It has been 3 years since my last post, and now the flame is reignited~
15 July 2016 - I'm currently in my 4th year in Paediatrics posting and today my groupmates and I were lucky to be posted to the Salvation Army of Melaka. I drove there myself, fetching along my groupmates (Wei Hoong, Candice, Sharmilla & Izzul) while 2 other friends of mine (Amylia, Azim) drove there themselves.
The moment we reached there, I could see parents sending their child to this home, one by one. Most of them are diagnosed with Down's syndrome. However, there are some children with autism and also ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder). My knowledge of Down's syndrome is only limited to their clinical features and also the complications that they may develop later in life (because this is what usually being asked in the exam). But after today, my perception towards Down's have changed.
While each and every person in this world is unique, so does those who are Down's. Their mental abilities differ from person to person. Some of them are able to communicate with us, plays the piano or even took part in leading the children for morning exercises. This surprised and shocked me, to be frank, because I thought all of them would be having mental retardation and low IQ.
Mrs Gobi, the caretaker who have been working there for 27 years, told us that some of the gifted children can be trained and taught to obey commands and perform certain fine motor tasks if they are brought to this center earlier, they called it the EIP (early intervention programme). True enough, they are able to use the sewing machines to make various materials such as handbags, floor mats, or even tissue paper holders. Some of them are helping out in stitching the laundry bags of Hotel Estadia & Equatorial Hotel.
I have always loved to interact with people in a community, because I believe I have the ability to help them in some ways. I enjoyed being in Hombelaku (psychiatric rehabilitation center, Manipal) and Asare (mentally challenged home, Manipal) during my 3rd year in Manipal, and today itself I got back the same feeling, the equal satisfaction of being around with these people.
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