SW: Ivan, come here.. (distributing Sejarah paper 2)
SW: Class, did the sejarah paper asking you who is your Sejarah teacher?
SW: Ivan.....Ivan...
SW: As far as I know, you have been a very good boy when I taught you in form 3. But I have to tell you honestly, from the first day in my class this year, you have been talking non-stop.. You mixed around with the wrong people..(looking at Jashen). You tell me that you deserved to get that mark for your paper 1 or not?
ME: Yes.......
SW: You are a very smart boy, and in fact, you are very handsome too...
SW: I mean he is presentable right? At least he is better than some of you here. Ivan, I have to tell you seriously, you will be going downwards right after you finish you SPM. Do you know that you are digging your own grave?
SW: And now you are doing things like this. 32/40 marks is very good, but you are soooo kind-hearted and that makes you get the marks you deserved.. And you did the same thing on your paper 2, writing my name, so is it fair if i deduct 10 marks from your paper?
ME: Yes.....
SW: You show that to your mother and if she is not satisfied, ask her to come and talk to me..
I'm not sure should I congratulate or feel sorry for you.
Like she said, been teaching you since form 3 and all.
A teacher who speaks to her student like this shows that she cares :D
& she's trying hard as your teacher not to let you dig your own grave. choiiii, touch wood ;p